
Diceimator is a dice generator aimed at beign simple, easy to use, customiseable, and add some fun functionality in futur versions.


It is currently available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. crossplatform outside of apple ecosystem may be done in the futur but is not currently on the roadmap.


The app is currently at its first early release and has a limited but functional set of features. A standard dice set and the ability to save custom dices set for specific purposes.

Privacy, permission and ads

I believe that applications should always respect user privacy and not monetise its clients in an unethical way. Therefore, Diceimator does not need any permission at the momment (and never will unless it really is needed for a new optional functionality) and does not collect and send data for third party or myself. The free version of the app will also never contain invasive third party ads. You can see the oficial privacy policy of the app here.

Whats next for Diceimator?

Although i do have some plans for the next versions, i want to be very open to suggestions, and therefore, you can email me at any time to ask for new features requests at: diceimator@gmail.com